This course focuses on Adobe® Illustrator® CC (2019), the component within CC used to create “drawn” graphics, while enabling its users to integrate content from other domains (such as photo-oriented graphics and animation, which belong to Adobe® Photoshop® and other applications)
In this course, you will draw complex illustrations, and enhance them using various painting options. You will also use her techniques using painting tools, manage colors, format type, work with effects, prepare artwork for commercial printing, and prepare graphics for the web.
In this course, you will learn how to create interactive documents and export them for viewing in a web browser with various features such as buttons, page transitions, movies and audio files, hyperlinks and animation.
In this course, you will learn how to enhance the images and work with videos, and will also work with the advanced tools and features available in Photoshop.
Adobe® Acrobat® Pro DC puts the power of the Portable Document Format, literally, at your fingertips. By taking advantage of the functionality and features available in Acrobat, you will ensure the integrity of your electronic documents regardless of who views them, on what devices, or with what operating systems. And that will give you the confidence and peace of mind that comes with knowing that what you meant to communicate is what your document recipients will see.
In this course, you will use Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to convert technical documents to PDF files, enhance PDF documents, create interactive PDF forms, and prepare PDF files for commercial printing.
In this course, you will learn the basics of QuickBooks, company details, lists, managing inventory, tracking sales and invoices, and managing bank accounts.